So since I am really bad at keeping a journal these days I thought I would use the blog for this! I too am also contemplating going private now that the little one is on it's way! I am going to decide in the next few weeks so if you read my blog and want to still read it let me know and comment on my blog so I can add your email to my approved readers.
So this weekend really did me in more than I thought! Yesterday I went into work for a few hours because I had site tours and then I came home and literally stayed in bed and slept all afternoon till it was bedtime...then I couldn't sleep and I was uncomfortable and just felt weird! I finally fell asleep around 1am and then woke up all night! The one thing with being pregnant is I get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and then I am up for an hour or two just lying here thinking about everything! Is this Gods way of preparing me to waking up in the night with the baby??? I don't know but so not something I am use to! I have also noticed that my memory isn't that great! I forget things really easily! That is frustrating! I really hate it when I go to do something and I can't remember for the life of me what I was doing and why I was doing it?
Today I stayed home from work because I am still exhausted and don't feel 100% and DO NOT want to get sick! I think I will be fine after today but I have to stop pushing myself so much! It is really hard for me but I have to do it!!!
Also...I some how connected my blog to my facebook page and now it post on there! Does anyone know how to delete it? I don't want my blog posting on my facebook page and I have to keep deleting it just as soon as I do a post!
If anyone knows please leave a comment! I hope everyone has a nice week and I hope you all had a great 4th of July!
Kell, Nick and Cutie~
First, I would check your blog settings and then your FB settings to see how they are connected. I will look into and let you know.
Second, get used to waking up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom...for the rest of your pregnancy. Then, you will have the baby waking you up. :) Fun times!
Last, be sure to get your rest when you can and don't over do it!! Oh, and drink lots of water.
Love ya sis!
Oh, if it makes you feel better I forgot a lot of things too when I was pregnant and actually still do!
Kelly, I enjoy your blog, so please keep me on your list. And I second the things your sister is saying. The last three months of my pregnancy, I was up every two hours going to the bathroom. It was crazy. And also at work. Always going to the bathroom. I felt like I got nothing done. I took sleeping pills to help me sleep. I talked with my doctor and showed him what I was taking. It helped me so much. Take care.
do what your sis said, drink lots of water, take your vitamins and get plenty of rest....don't push yourself so hard...love you auntie sue
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