Well we took Kate to the doctor today and basically she has a bad case of colic or refulx. She put her on Zantac (baby Zantac) and I gave it to her today and it seemed to work! Now...I am not going to get my hopes up as everything seems to work the first day and then the next day we are back to square one...but I do have to say she was awake a lot today with out screaming and she laughed and played with me a lot more than any day since she was born! :) She even sat in her bumbo for 15 minutes!!! So even if tomorrow is a bad day I had one really great day with her and I am thankful for that! Her doctor is so amazing and I just love her! She too said she will grow out of this but sometimes it takes time and some longer than others! I am sure hoping Kate isn't a long one! :) HE HE HE.....
Well she is sleeping and doing great so I can only hope that this will help her a little bit!!! I just hate to see her cry! Thank you Terra and Nicole for your comments...it is so nice to talk to other moms that have experienced this as it is really hard but it is nice to get the encouragement! We all just want what is best for our little angels! :) I do see a pattern...it is the girls that are difficult! Imagine that??? HA HA HA...maybe that means they will be perfect angels when they are teenagers! :) Wishful thinking huh?
Well goodnight...and I will keep you all posted!
Yeah!!! I am so glad that baby kate is feeling better :) its so hard to see them hurting. Here's hoping tommorrow is an equally good day!!!!
Oh Kell I'm glad you have a great doctor! It sounds like you had a very productive visit and we hope Kate continues to feel better. Emma took Zegerid for her reflux up until about 3 months ago. We found small freuqent meals, having her upright for 20 minutes after meals (the bumbo is great for this), sleeping in her car seat, and adjusting my diet (when I was nursing) helped a lot. You might also want to keep up the Mylicon drops because reflux issues tend to go hand and hand with gas and constipation too (something else to watch for . .just what you needed). Once again Kate is very lucky to have you looking out for her. She will get better it just takes time and I agree . . .maybe this means we will have easy teenage years. We can only hope. FYI . . .if you ever want or need the name of pediatric Gis I have 2 for you. One is in Sac and the other at UCSF. We met with both re:Emma and saw the one in Sac up until our move. She was great. Hopefully Kate will continue to feel better and won't need this info:)
Kelly...Kate is so cute! I know exactly how you feel. Ella was colic and I remember feeling so hopeless when I was in the middle of it. I'm so glad you found a cure possibly...I hope it works for her! I promise that this too will pass and it goes by so fast. Before you know she will end up being the easiest and happiest baby! Ella started being so happy around five months! Now I have a third girl and she is the easiest baby ever! So, it's not just because she is a girl. :) But hang in there...I've totally been there and know exactly what you are going through. You will get through this!
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