Friday, November 5, 2010

Day # 5 of Giving Thanks:

Today I am thankful for the life of my dad! I am thankful that he was my dad and that god gave him to us! I miss him every day but I cherish everyday I had with him and the good times we had he was a wonderful dad and an amazing Papa!!! I miss you dad!!!! Thank you for being my daddy-o (that is what I would call him)

A few more things I am thankful for, for my dad...I am thankful that he had so much passion for life and people. My dad was such a positive person and always offered great advice. My dad could walk into a room of strangers and know at least one person and usually walk out with a roomful of friends. My dad had a love for Boise State Football and I am thankful that he was able to go and see the games with his friend Ron. No matter what circumstance that was thrown his way medically or physically nothing came in the way of Boise Game or Boise Bowl Game.
My dad truly loved his grandchildren and even though he didn't get to see them all the time they brought so much joy to his life and his face would just beam with love and happiness when he would see them! I am just so thankful that I had the time that I had even if it was cut too short in my opinion! I love you dad today I give thanks for you and your life! I can't wait till we meet again!

1 comment:

The Scrivens said...

Kelly I haven't stopped by your blog in a while and have LOVED getting to look at all of the pics and read your updates. So glad you guys are doing well . . .your dad has quite a view of your wonderful family :)