Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Paying for their mistakes........Irritating...Such is life.....

Well, Well, Well.....Another penalty to us!
I just found out that my bank is raising their fees because of the "mortgage crisis" I am so over this and I have to vent for a minute! First of all where did these banks get off loaning people money that couldn't afford it? I don't know how you could buy a home without any money? Clearly that never made any sense to me but sure enough they just kept giving money away! I feel really bad for people that have lost there homes but truly I believe this is a case of Americans trying to keep up with the Joneses and living outside of their means! It is truly ridiculous. When I was younger I too thought I could just spend, spend, spend but as I have gotten older and realized what it cost to have a family, raise children and all the other expenses in life you can't just go charge, charge, charge...we have become a society of charges and loans and I remember as a little girl my grandmother telling me you don't buy something unless you can pay for it! Charge cards are for emergencies only and you need to be able to pay those off every month! Well..I didn't listen to her when I was younger because "I knew everything" but now I realize what she is saying...and have been living my life this way for the last 3-4 years. I don't buy it unless I have the money in the bank for it and I am saving my money for the future! I think Americans need to go back to this and quit living on credit and loans. It is crippling our economy right now and everyone's sense of well being because whether we like it or not guess who has to bail all these fabulous mortgage companies and banks out....You guessed yours truly we Americans! Even if we didn't participate and play their game you and I are going to pay. Isn't this lovely...with rising health care cost, gas prices sky rocketing and an economy that is in the toliet we have a lot to look forward to in the next couple of years!!!! I hope this teaches everyone a lesson though and we can learn from the mistakes these past few years and our government won't allow this to happen again!

As my grandpa use to say...."SAVE YOUR BUCKS"


p.s. I would like to leave you with a quote from an Analyst at Citi Bank
With the U.S. banking industry reeling from the housing slump that is forcing it to get tougher on borrowers and sock away billions of dollars toward existing loans that likely won't be repaid, banks are ravenous for more fee income. Unless there is an unexpectedly fast rebound from the current woes, additional fee increases are on the way, analysts predict.
"If you need to hit your target, one of the easiest ways to do it is to raise your fees," says Keith Horowitz, a banking analyst at Citigroup Inc. "It falls straight to the bottom line."

Here's to paying HIGHER FEES!!!!